COTMA Conference 2008 – Launceston


Conference Group Photograph- John Binns


List of Papers


Extending the Christchurch Tramway;                                              Dave Hinman

Making the Most of an Opportunity!  



Deaccessioning and interchange of equipment                                  Howard Clark

between Museums;  everyone can be a winner


Setting up a Museum Youth Group                                                     David Critchley



Feedback and update on rail safety issues in Australia and NZ.  

Presentation by        Warren Doubleday (ATRHA)

Presentation by        Craig Hoey (Tas. Rail Regulator)




Retaining past design / technical information for the future               Craig Tooke



Some Environmental Objectives for Australasian Tramway               Trevor Burling

Museums Contributing to a Sustainable Environment



Discussion with introduction – Maintaining tramway                          Peter Kahn

traditions on Museum tramways


Significance Assessment of Collections                                                Warren Doubleday


Trams versus Trains and Buses:                                                           Geoff Graham

The Case of Sydney in the 1920s


MOTAT 2 - Extending the tramway   planning,                                   Colin Zeff

building and results of the extension 




Melbourne Tramway Update    (47MB file)                                          Rod Atkins